Nadaljujemo boj za uničenje patriarhata v spominu na vse žrtve femicida. Izajava za javnost

Danes nadaljujemo boj za uničenje patriarhata v spominu na vse žrtve femicida

slovensko | english

Ponovno je 8. marec. Današnji dan žena je po letu za koronakrizo zamaskiranega sistemskega in partnerskega nasilja še toliko bolj pretresljiv. Na dan, ko bi morali slaviti moč in emancipacijo žensk, se moramo žal spominjati vseh žrtev prejšnjega leta, ki so na podlagi dejstva, da so ženske, podlegle morilskim rokam patriarhata. Ne bomo pozabile: Nike, Terezije, Marine, Nataše, Romane, Marije, Mojce, Jožice, Zinke in vseh ostalih partnerk, žena, hčera, tašč, sester in mater, ki so zaradi femicida na ta dan primorane počivati pod težko zemljo.

Politika oblasti v času pandemije je povzročila poglobitve cele serije vzporednih »bolezni«, o katerih je prepovedano govoriti, oziroma zanje pač v času izrednih razmer ni prostora. Razmah avtoritarizma in posledično policijskega nasilja, porast samomorov, depresij in drugih psiholoških stisk ter znatno povečanje revščine in naraščanje frustracij, posledično vodi v razmah nasilja v družini, umorov in posilstev. Celotna družba vzdržuje in reproducira patriarhat. V imenu “varnosti” oblast forsira #ostani doma, kljub pogostosti nasilja v družini in brez problematiziranja stiske ujetosti v dom. Število ujetih v nasilje in nesmisel vsakdana naraščata. Duševno zdravje mnogih slabi – medtem ko elita prosperira, eni uničujejo sočloveka, drugi pa uničujejo sebe.

Družbeno in sistemsko nasilje nad osebami, ki so videne kot šibkejši spol, se znatno povečuje in na nas je, da naredimo vse, da to ustavimo. Pri tem nam ne more pomagati nobena policija. Dobro vemo, kako izgledata prijava in obravnava posilstva in jasno je, koliko in kaj počne policija v primeru prijavljenega nasilja, zalezovanja in umora. Odziv teh služb je pogosto sorazmerno travmatičen s samim dogodkom preživetega nasilja. V vsakem primeru pa ta pride šele, ko je že prepozno – ko je oseba že posiljena, pretepena ali mrtva. Zato vsak apel k uradnim prijavam in vabljenje policijskih organov na javne tribune ob 8. marcu, same po sebi razumemo kot akt sistemskega nasilja. Pred spolno zaznamovanim nasiljem nas ne bo rešila ne policija, še manj pa »pravna država«. Edina rešitev je, da družbo skupaj preoblikujemo v antiseksistično, saj bo le taka varna za vse.

8. marec ni stvar preteklosti, je dan žena, dan obeležja bojev za enakost spolov, ne pa dan, ki bi ga posuvali z rožami in z roko-v-roki plesali z »emancipiranimi« policistkami. NE! 8. marec je opomin, je predramitev vseh nas, ki smo deležni_e družbenega in sistemskega nasilja vsak dan. Je dan kontinuiranega boja proti vsem oblikam zatiranja na podlagi spola. Zatiranja, ki je v interesu mačističnih elit, ki nas tlačijo s pomočjo policije in drugih strukturno represivnih organov. Tako, kot so modri plačanci pretepali, zapirali in izganjali naše sestre prej, ko so se borile za najbolj osnovno enakopravnost, tako nas pretepajo tudi danes, ko nadaljujemo ta boj proti tradicionalnim klerofašističnim idejam. Ne bomo odnehale!

Proti izkoriščanju elit!

Morilce in posiljevalce na grmade!

Proti policiji vseh spolov!


črne mačke

ljubljana, 8. marec 2021

Today we continue the struggle to abolish the patriarchy in the memory of all the victims of femicide

It’s the 8th of March again. After a year of korona-crisis masked systemic and family violence aimed towards women, the women’s day celebration seems even more disturbing. On this day when we are supposed to celebrate women’s power and emancipation, we must sadly remember all the women who suffered death under the murderous hands of patriarchy. Say their names: Nika, Terezija, Marina, Nataša, Romana, Marija, Mojca, Jožica, Zinka and all the others – partners, wives, daughters, mothers-in-law, sisters, and mothers, who have been forced to spend this year’s 8th of March in their final resting spots under the heavy soil. We will not forget you.

Government politics in the times of the pandemic caused for a deepening of a whole series of parallel “diseases” of which it is forbidden to speak or rather, there is no space for a discussion about them in these times. The rise of authoritarism and police violence, suicide rates, depression, and general psychological distress, combined with the rise of poverty and growing frustrations in everyday life, lead to more family violence, rape and murders. Our society as a whole is maintaining and reproducing patriarchy. In the name of “safety” the authorities enforce the mantra of #stayathome, while family violence is increasing and many women are trapped with their abusers. The number of people trapped in violent situations is multiplying daily. Mental health of many is weakening – while the elite prospers, some are destroying fellow human being and others are destroying themselves.

Social and systemic violence upon those perceived as weaker gender is expanding and the responsibility is on all of us to do everything in our power to stop it. No police or task force can help us in this struggle. We know exactly what a report of rape case looks like and it’s clear how much the police do in case of reported violence, stalking or murder. The response of these institutions is often just as traumatic as survived violence. Either way, they arrive only after the crime has already been committed, when it is already too late – when the victim has already been raped, beaten or is already dead. This is why we understand all the appeals to official reports of violence to the police and all the invitation of police authorities to public tribunes on March 8, as an act of systemic violence itself. The police and the law will not save us from gender-based violence. The only answer is to totally alter our society into an antisexist one – only such can be safe for everyone.

The 8th of March is not a thing of the past, It’s women’s day, a day to remember the history of fights for women emancipation and equality of genders and not a day to be showered with flowers and to dance hand-in-hand with »emancipated« female cops. NO! The 8th of March is a reminder, it’s a wake-up call for all of us experiencing systemic and social violence daily. It’s a day to continue the fight against all types of gender-based oppression. Suppression is in the interest of the macho elite – they oppress us with the help of the police and other services of structural violence. Just as the blue mercenaries beat, arrested, and expelled our sisters who fought for the basic equal rights centuries ago, they still beat us today, as we continue in the struggle against the tradition of clerofascist ideas. We will not stop!

Against the plundering of the elite!

Murderers and rapists – burn at the stakes!

Against police of all genders!


črne mačke

ljubljana, March 8th, 2021

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